Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This Mother's Day, we went to my mom and dad's house to celebrate. I loved this picture because it has three generations of my family... and it's the only one that doesn't feature one of us closing our eyes!
Tyler and Preston love to camp. Me...not so much! We had a Lindsey style campout by grilling hotdogs and making "snores" (as Preston calls them) in the backyard. The boys were going to sleep in the tent in the backyard, but they got rained out. This is a picture of Plan B! We pitched the tent in Preston's room and put sofa cushions down for him to sleep on. That's my kind of camping! I even let him use his battery-powered lantern!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Preston the hair stylist

One day we noticed that Darby was starting to get more hair on top of her head. Apparently, this was a call to action for Preston. He ran to her room and got out her hairbrush. The next thing I knew, Darby was in her baby chair and Preston was carefully brushing her hair. I'll try to keep him away from the scissors!

Brother magic

Preston loves "his baby." He has proved to be a wonderful brother and he thinks he has "brother magic" because he's able to calm Darby down when she cries. I can tell she loves him too because she watches him and smiles at the sound of his voice. She loves to be held by him! I'm looking forward to the days when she can be an even better playmate for Pres. I think these two make quite a pair, but I might be a little biased!

Darby's first bath

At about 2 and a half weeks old, Darby's cord stub fell off and we could give her her first bath! As you can see, she wasn't as excited about it as we were! She was pretty angry about being naked and dipped in water! And she really hated being rubbed with lotion! Since then though, she has come to love her baths. She coos and smiles and practices moving her arms and legs!


Ty and Preston love to fish together. Preston has proved to be quite the fisherman too! This is his first catfish. They brought it home and ate it! I thought that was a little unnecessary since I hate fish and the house smelled for hours. But the boys assured me I wouldn't get the full affect of the catch unless they brought that whiskered monster home!